A2Zinvoice | FAQs
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FAQ’s (Frequently asked questions)

How secure is A2ZINVOICE ?

We take your data’s security very seriously, so we use TSL security encryption, which is the industry standard for transmitting data safely over the internet. Your data is yours only and we never touch is without your explicit permission.

Who all can use A2Zinvoice system?

A2ZINVOICEe has been designed to work best for small and medium businesses, accountants that work within a company or with multiple clients and freelancers.

Does it work on Mac, PC or mobile devices?

Yes! Because A2ZINVOICE is web-based, you can access it on any system you want with just one account. Whether you’re in office, at home or on the go.

Do I need a credit card to sign up?

Absolutely not! It’s free to sign up for A2ZINVOICE and you don’t have to put in your card data. After your free premium trial ends, your account will be automatically put on the Free plan, so you’ll need a card only if you want to upgrade back to continue.

Are updates free?

You bet! You get free updates every time we change something in our app, even big changes like the VAT and GST ones.

What happens if my license expires?

When your license expires, you’ll still be able to access all of your data in A2ZINVOICE. Your account will be downgraded to a Free account (limited features) and you can upgrade back to premium whenever you want.

Who’s there if I need help?

Our support team strives to solve all your problems in less than 24 hrs. You can chat with us during business hours straight from  an email at support@sA2ZINVOICE.com or give us a call on any of the numbers +0046764416043.

Does it support Swedish, if yes, how to change to Swedish?

Yes, A2Zinvoice supports Swedish. You can change the language of your choice from the language selector section on the top right corner of the website. You may select Company Settings after profile login and change language to SWEDISH. This will automatically change the language.

Does it support GSTIN?

Yeah, it supports GSTIN. You may select Company Settings after profile login and change country to INDIA. This will automatically change the Tax settings to GSTIN.




We give you support* when you need the most. A2Zinvoice is the best solution for your Inventory, Transaction and CRM management needs. Subscribe for full Support. Email us: support@a2zinvoice.com


1002, Molkomsbacken 13, Farsta, Stockholm, Sweden 12333





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